Giving YOU the chance to SPEAK!!


Have you ever broken the law? I bet you have! I don't mean by committing a serious crime, like putting on a balaclava and robbing a bank or waiting outside in the getaway car because you're the getaway driver, I mean petty crime, like speeding, jaywalking or even fare dodging. We all have at some point in our life. Crime is always an interesting subject to talk about in the classroom. A subject with a lot of vocabulary, too much to cover in a single lesson, but I'd like to cover some basics, and some of the most commonly used words and expressions...

If you break the law, you (usually) get arrested. You might be put in handcuffs and then taken to a police station where they will take your fingerprints and your mugshot What happens after will all depend on the severity of the crime. You might be released with a caution, you might be fined, or you might have to go to court and have your sentence decided by a judge or jury where evidence is given against you. In the worst case you will be sentenced to prison time or in some countries to death depending on the crime.

What makes people commit crime? Is it their upbringing, or does it go deeper? Do you think everyone has the right to bear arms? Would you feel safer? I'm not sure about that, but I do think all police officers should carry a firearm. In the UK they don't, they only have access to a baton, pepper spray, and some have access to a taser whereas in some countries you see the police officers happily walking around with a gun, but does that make people think twice about breaking the law? I think it would make me think twice about it.

You have three people in a crime and they are the victim, the witness, and the suspect, accused, or convict depending on the stage of the crime. I have been a victim of theft 3 times, and all 3 times in Poland – hello Poland. I have also been a witness of a scam in Riga, but I didn't have to give a statement, and as I was casually walking down the street in Prague two guys ran past me like Usain Bolt carrying a handbag – a mugging - but don't worry, I have also seen drunk and disorderly in the UK most Saturday nights when I used to go out at the weekend. And of course, with alcohol you're not very far away from assault.

Talking of types of crime, let's have a look at some of the names and what they actually mean.

Shoplifting – stealing from a shop – a brilliant sign I saw the other day here
Burglary – stealing from a house
Mugging – using force or threatening behaviour and then stealing something
Assault – physically beating up someone
Scam – tricking people into believing something is real and then taking their money
Murder – killing someone intentionally
Manslaughter – killing someone unintentionally
Bribery – giving someone money or a present to make them do or not do something
Rape – having sexual intercourse without the consent of the other person
Arson – setting fire to something
Fraud – lying about who you are and what you have to gain something
Forgery – copying someone's work or signature without their official permission
Drunk and disorderly – getting drunk and causing trouble
Vandalism – destroying or defacing public property

What 3 crimes are most common in your city?

I'd like you to play judge for a moment. I'm going to give you the defence of someone who has committed one of the above crimes, and I'd like you to decide on a sentence for the crimes. Before you decide, let's have a look at the common sentences there are

Released without charge – the person goes home without any punishment
Rehabilitation – this person must go somewhere and seek help for their problem
Fined – this person has to pay money to the victim, and other parties involved
Community service – this person has to work with other convicts who help clean and improve the community like painting walls, cleaning the streets, etc
A suspended sentence – this person is given a time, for example 2 years, where if they break the law in any way in that time, they will be sent to prison.
Sentenced to <time>

Native Speaker Online - English Lessons with a Native Speaker



To Speak


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