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Useful Words & Phrases
Some really useful words and phrases to add to your English to help it sound nice, natural, and native.

Bland - used to talk about food. Find out more..
Kick off - Perfect for talking about meetings and trouble too
Take advantage of - It's always a bad thing to take advantage of a person, but not a situation
Can't be assed/arsed - The common informal phrase used in the UK to show you just don't want to do something, even if you have to
To have a crack at s/t - The phrase that shows you are going to try / have tried / tried something that wasn't very easy
To be still at large - The phrase we should be worried about when we hear it
To put your foot in it - It's always good to never put your foot in it...
To be gutted - The feeling of being very disappointment
To take the piss - It has nothing to do with going to the toilet
Up in the air - things aren't clear...
To Vouch for someone - You can trust this person