Giving YOU the chance to SPEAK!!

My Teaching Philosophy

I've been teaching English at the time of writing this for 11 years, it's the longest job I've ever had. I keep on doing it because I enjoy it. I think enjoying what you do is so important and when you stop enjoying that thing, it's time for a change.

After many years in the classroom I have developed my own ideas and style of teaching that I, and my students, think are a great combination for success. I've come to the conclusion that I work best helping students when it comes to speaking English. I look to improve not only their confidence and fluency, but accuracy and naturalness by giving them every opportunity to speak, access to useful-natural-native language, and a voice for their opinions and ideas. Not only improving their English, but their SoftSkills too.

Let's say I'm like a football manager who goes to a club who are struggling, I go in, build confidence, get everyone performing much better than before, and then... I move on to the next team.

Also, during those 11 years I have spent a lot of time working closely with Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian speaking students of English. I have become a specialist in the mistakes and problems students from these countries face and make when learning English.

When It comes to planning and conducting lessons or classes, I always take into consideration these 4 elements..


Learning a language should be fun. People should want to do something, and when something is fun, people want to do that something. While some lesson topics might be serious, I always approach lessons with fun being at the core of a lesson.


It is key what we do is interesting for you. Not everyone has the same interests. If you aren't a football fan, why would you want to talk about football? There are over 50 different lesson topics all approached in an interesting way, so even the topics that don't interest you, you will have an opinion about.

Speak, speak, speak!

The one thing we can't really do ourselves in learning a language is practise our speaking skills. This is why I've planned all lessons with the main objective to get you speaking and improving on your fluency, accuracy, and confidence. We only have a short time together, and we should use that time wisely. Getting you speaking!

Natural & Native

While my main goal is always to make you feel comfortable and confident when using and speaking English, I also want to make sure the language you use is nice and natural. As an English native speaker, I know what sounds strange, so you can be sure you will be told. Plus, as a native speaker you can always be sure the questions you will be asked will not be artificial.

If you have any questions about my lessons or the way I conduct classes you can always contact me.



To Speak


Feel free to get in contact by email, social media or messenger