Giving YOU the chance to SPEAK!!

What are we going to talk about?

The aim of each lesson is to get you speaking as much as possible on a range of different topics. I usually choose the topics depending on your level and how difficult a topic is to talk about, but if you prefer, you can choose the topics. Most of the topics come with a post-lesson reading for you to revise what was said and any new words and phrases that came up in the lesson. Note: The first lesson is always about personality.

General Topics
  • Every day topics we talk about in our own language, but now we are going to talk about them in English. 

  • New Year – The first lesson in the new year
  • Age
  • Art
  • Animals
  • Advertising
  • Addictions
  • Accommodation
  • Christmas – The last lesson of the year
  • Celebrations
  • Cities
  • Crime - this lesson is broken into 2 parts
  • English Language
  • England
  • Emoj story – classroom only
  • Fame
  • Film & TV
  • Food
  • Family
  • Feelings
  • Fashion
  • Fun #1 – a series of word games to boost vocab
  • Environment
  • Future
  • Great
  • Humour
  • Health and Fitness
  • Hobbies and Interests - different ways of saying like
  • Haters gonna hate
  • Hosting an event
  • Inventions
  • I thinkI think
  • 18+ - controversial topics for discussion
  • I think 18+ #2
  • Men and Women
  • Memories
  • Money
  • Mobile phones
  • Music
  • Mistakes – the final lesson of a full course
  • My Country
  • My First
  • News and Headlines
  • Nights out
  • Online
  • People
  • Politics
  • Problems
  • Questions
  • Situations
  • Survival
  • Sports and Games
  • Stereotypes
  • Success
  • Swearing
  • School and Education
  • Shopping
  • Telling Stories
  • Travel
  • Transport
  • TV
  • Weather
  • Work and Jobs

Business Topics

More serious and formal topics from the world of business.

Customer Service
Departments & Employees
Corporate Events
Business words
I think (business edition)



To Speak


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