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For Teachers: My City Lesson Plan

This lesson is a good one to use when you've just finished talking about travel and countries. It was planned and used with a multi-national class at an upper-intermediate level. It's possible to grade it for lower levels, but you will probably need to change the video for the listening. This lesson has plenty of opportunity to speak, a listening based on a travel video for Stockholm, Sweden, and some useful vocabulary when talking about different types of town, city, or village and its areas.

All materials including this lesson plan can be found in a PDF file along with a PPT at the bottom of this post.

1. Ask Ss to think of one word that they connect with their home town. Go around the room and let the students call out their word. On the first time round, you might want to stop on a few interesting words and ask the student to give you more details why the chose this word. Then do a second round and stop on some other students asking them to explain their answer

This can then be done again, but with the question of ' which one city/town/village would you recommend someone to visit in your country '

2. Hand out and ask Ss to order the following from important to not important when visiting a place. Fresh air / Public transport / Entertainment / History / Climate / Shops and Shopping / Size /Price / Location / Bars and Restaurants / Public places (parks, squares, beaches) after they have ordered their list, put them in pairs or groups to share and explain their choices.

In feedback just choose a couple to go over. Also, while you monitor, be ready to help with any vocabulary the students might need.

3. Show Ss the picture of Stockholm and see if they can guess where it is. Once guessed ask if anyone has been there, and what it was like?


If nobody has been there, ask Ss for their ideas of what it might be like referring back to some of the areas they just talked about.

4. Explain to Ss they are going to watch a travel video about Stockholm. Divide the Ss into left and right. Ss who are left will be listening for all the numbers on the left side and the same with the right students. All the numbers are connected to details about Stockholm which is talked about in the video.

Video Link:

After the first listen, encourage left and right to work together and offer any help for the other' numbers. Then let the whole class work with their respected letters. Note if the listening is too difficult for your students, during the second listen, pause after a few answers to break it up and make it easier. Some post questions could be ' Would you like to go there? Which sight is most interesting for you? Is it similar to your city in any way?

5. Ask Ss if they can remember any words or expressions that were used to describe the city of Stockholm. (Cosmopolitan, an array of cafes, narrow streets, Nordic feel), then tell Ss that you're going to look at some words and expression that we can use to describe a place. Give each student one PART 1 sentence and one PART 2 sentence. It is their job to work as a class to try and find their match and to complete the sentence. Encourage students to work as a whole class without the help of dictionaries and to focus on the context.

Ss will come up to you asking “is it right?” you can give a simple nod for help, and then later intervene when they are struggling.

6. When everyone has their complete sentence, go around the class and have the Ss read their complete sentence before explaining and clarifying the word(s) in bold.

After this is done, you can test the Ss's knowledge of the words, by calling out synonyms or describing situations to elicit the correct answer. You can also take away one half of the sentence and then get Ss to try and remember the full sentence and then asking them to paraphrase the sentence. There is also a mix and match and and 'banana' sentence remember exercise you can use included in the PDF.

7. After you are comfortable the Ss have understood the words, put them in groups and ask them to complete the questions with the missing bold word from earlier and then talk about their home towns. Questions:

You can round off the lesson with exploring some of your student' answers in more detail feedback


Luke - Native Speaker Online 

Material: PPT - PDF



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