Giving YOU the chance to SPEAK!!

Job Interview Preparation

Nobody likes doing interviews, especially when they are in a foreign language and the stress and worry they can bring...

Got a job interview in English and need some preparation before the big day? No problem, I can help you get ready!

I can help you calm your nerves and prepare you for your up-coming job interview. To do this, I will need a copy of your CV and the description of the job you are applying for. I need these things so I can go away and prepare some interview style questions in the following areas...

YOU: all about you

EDUCATION: reflecting on your studies

WORK EXPERIENCE: previous jobs you've done

CURRENT JOB: what you do now in your current job

JOB YOU ARE APPLYING FOR: asking specifics about the job you are applying for and how you can cope with the duties and tasks.

A TIME WHEN: asking for real-life situations you have been in at work. Probably the hardest types of questions to answer and a real test of English.

I will try and make all the questions as difficult as I can to push you and get you ready for the big day. As you are the professional here, I won't be able to ask you any technical questions, but if you know the type of questions they will ask you in this area or in any area, your questions will be welcome and I will use them. Just let me know them before we start.

This 'lesson' is 60 minutes long and it is usually a one-off thing, however, if you feel you need more practice, this lesson can be repeated a few times until you've perfected your answers to my questions. 

Prices - All prices are in GBP but can be paid in local currency online or by bank transfer.

1 Session: £25

2 Sessions: £48

3 Sessions: - £69


Feel free to get in contact by email, social media or messenger



To Speak