Giving YOU the chance to SPEAK!!


I recently left Lviv for the academic year, and unfortunately I was fined on my way out because I had (accidently) overstayed my legal time allowed in the country...

Before I head back to England for my regular teaching work in my hometown, I decided to take a bit of a holiday. I've already been to 4 different countries, and that means I've already been spending 4 different currencies. It usually takes a few days to get accustomed to the new currency, the prices, and how much I should really be paying for a Coca-Cola....

I managed to save up during the last 7 months to take this holiday which will let my wallet see 5 different country's notes and coins. I keep any left over currency and withdraw new money from a cash machine when I get to the new country. You usually get a better rate withdrawing from a cash point, but an annoying bank charge. Unlike rates, one thing that is certain is after this trip, I will be skint, and I will wince when I look at my bank statement or check my balance, but I'll be richer in memories and culture... blablabla ;)

I like you, no doubt, spend more money when on holiday and at the end of the day my pockets are usually full of receipts. The bulk of my money goes on eating out (surprise surprise) I'm not a frugal traveller when it comes to food, but I do shop around when I go to buy any electronics or clothing.

Luckily, I get to top up each summer when I go home and work for an international college. I get paid an hourly rate and get my wages on the penultimate Friday of each month. It's always nice to get your payslip/wage slip a few days before to see how much will be paid into your account.

The other teachers there are salaried, so they get paid the same wages each month regardless of their hours unless they do overtime. Most people prefer to be salaried because it gives them a stable income which allows them to get mortgages, and loans.

OK, I have to love you and leave you, it's time for me to go out and watch tonight's big football match and spend some more HUF....... I wonder if I will have enough left over to leave a tip.

Have you ever been fined for something?
Which note is your favourite from your currency?
Do you live near a cash machine?
Are you a frugal traveller?
Do you get paid an hourly rate or are you salaried?
Do you always have money left over after you go on holiday?
Do you have a stable enough income for the bank to give you a mortgage?
Do you always leave a tip at a restaurant?

A fine/to fine(someone) – money you have to pay when you do something wrong
Currency – money of a country
Accustomed to – to feel comfortable
Save up – when you save money for a purpose
Wallet – a thing MEN keep their money in. Women use a purse. They are different shapes
Notes – paper money
Withdraw – to take money out of a cash machine
Left over – money that is unspent
Cash machine/Cashpoint – an ATM
Bank charge – an amount that is charged to your account by your bank for some reason
Rate – the exchange rate. £1 = $1.5
Skint – when you don't have any money
Wince – to look with pain
Statement – a detailed history of your payments and withdraws
Check your balance – to see how much money you have on your account
Receipt – a piece of paper to show you have paid for something
The bulk of (something) – A very big part
Frugal – someone who counts all the pounds and pennies when buying things
Top up - to add money to something
To shop around – to go to different places looking for the best price
Hourly rate – the amount of money you get paid every hour
Wages – money you get every week or month
Wage slip/payslip – a document detailing your wages
To pay in – to transfer money to an account
To be salaried - when you get paid a set amount of money regardless of the hours you do
Overtime - extra money you get when you go over your hours in your contract
Income - the total amount of money you earn during a month
Mortgage - a loan to buy property
A loan - money the bank gives you, that you have to pay back over time.
A tip - money you leave at a restaurant for the waiter or waitress 

Native Speaker Online - English Lessons with a Native Speaker



To Speak


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